1 : 【中国電 69.9 %】 ◆fveg1grntk @\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 22:31:38.66 0.net
Right、that's an out
3 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 22:34:15.15 0.net
It's a pervvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
4 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 22:34:36.90 0.net
This is lololol
6 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 22:35:19.01 0.net
Momochi, runー!
7 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 22:35:38.42 0.net
Looks like she's gonna drool
8 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 22:36:16.57 0.net
Aren't Momochi-wotas mostly like this?
12 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 22:36:54.63 0.net
How improper
16 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 22:37:38.17 0.net
This isn't for business purposes, she really does like her huh
18 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 22:37:48.57 0.net
The very image of a pervert
20 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 22:38:05.61 0.net
This is funny
25 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 22:39:47.50 0.net
This has happened in the past lol
30 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 22:41:34.21 0.net
It's completely the look of a pervert
36 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 22:42:55.82 0.net
The very picture of a gross wota lol
40 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 22:45:17.99 0.net
I'm a Momowota but Fuku-chan's cute
41 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 22:46:05.77 0.net
Momoko's never poured affection on her so far, so it'll be all right
42 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 22:46:20.74 0.net
That's a good photo
43 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 22:46:39.10 0.net
It's like how Ikuta unintentionally looks at chests, forgive her
46 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 22:48:15.69 0.net
49 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 22:49:27.60 0.net
Such an honoured wota
Momoko's satisfied too
67 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 23:01:02.26 0.net
75 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 23:04:13.83 0.net
Her gaze in that topmost one is dangerous lol
76 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 23:04:29.50 0.net
That's scary
78 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 23:06:08.67 0.net
She always makes the same face lol
98 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 23:21:24.46 0.net
Nice smile, nice smile
81 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 23:08:31.17 0.net
Why is she making such a disgusting face?
82 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 23:09:13.17 0.net
It's the same face you guys make when you see your oshi
89 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 23:14:52.99 0.net
I understand why she's banned from entering when Momo's changing clothes lol
90 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 23:15:53.04 0.net
Those eyes are aiming for the trophy
92 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 23:18:11.19 0.net
That's the glint in the eyes of a wild beast
99 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 23:22:56.66 0.net
Fukumura Mizuki 「Tsugunaga Momoko's just too cute that it makes my head spin。」→ Michishige Sayumi「That's weird。」
100 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 23:23:47.40 0.net
Michishige Sayumi talks about incidents concerning Fukumura Mizuki & Tsugunaga Momoko
101 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 23:23:49.19 0.net
107 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/28(土) 23:33:06.29 0.net
111 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/29(日) 00:02:58.01 O.net
Thinking about it calmly, it's like it's scary when cute girls make this kind of expressionー lol
So wota's expressions are seriously scary
121 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/29(日) 01:04:13.47 0.net
It's completely a maiden's face
122 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/29(日) 01:05:33.64 0.net
Rather than a maiden
It's more an wota wota-like face lol
134 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/29(日) 09:12:55.60 0.net
If Take-chan and Momoko were drowning, who would she save?
135 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/29(日) 09:18:10.82 0.net
She'd choose the path where the 3 of them would die together
136 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/29(日) 10:16:33.36 0.net
This is how it looks like when a cute teenage girl has the gaze of an wota
How much of an emotional burden does an idol normally carry
138 :名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/:2015/03/29(日) 10:25:53.30 0.net
If she had an old dude's hairstyle, she'd be a perfect kimowota
Hahaha. thank you for this. this is hilarious! I wish I could understand the youtube video of michishige talking about fuku and momo incidents xD