The two of them would be given questions, and the challenge was to provide the same answers. Who cares about the 10 year age difference, right?
Between them, OzeMomo managed to get 6 matches out of 10 questions.
But no Japanese quiz would be complete without a punishment game.
And so, they had to atone for their 4 wrong questions.
Their punishment was...
To upload 'chummy, lovey-dovey' pictures on their official Twitter account.
(Quick Japanese lesson: Oze signs off as 'Ozeo' (おぜ男), where that last 'o' is the kanji that means 'man' - implying that she's the guy in this relationship)
The Tsugunaga Ozeki talk & handshake event at HMV & BOOKS TOKYO has ended. Here's picture number one of the punishment (?) chummy, lovey-dovey shots...HMV&BOOKS TOKYOにて嗣永小関のトーク&握手イベント終了です。酷い仕打ち?のラブラブ仲良し画像1枚目は…「空はどんより。」byももち♡ #country_girls— カントリー・ガールズ (@countrygirls_uf) 2016年9月13日
'The sky is sullen.' by Momochi ♥
酷い仕打ちラブラブ仲良し画像2枚目は…「はんぶんこ♡」byおぜ男— カントリー・ガールズ (@countrygirls_uf) 2016年9月13日
The second chummy, lovey-dovey shot for their punishment...
'Sharing half and half' by Ozeo
The third of the already not-so-punishing chummy, lovey-dovey pictures...もはやただのラブラブ仲良し画像3枚目は…「私の心は秋晴れ♡」byももち♡ #country_girls— カントリー・ガールズ (@countrygirls_uf) 2016年9月13日
'Unlike the weather, my heart has is all clear skies' by Momochi ♥
The last chummy, lovey-dovey picture...ラブラブ仲良し画像ラストは…「夢でまた会おうよ」byおぜ男。皆様も良い夢見れますように。。#country_girls— カントリー・ガールズ (@countrygirls_uf) 2016年9月13日
'Let's meet again in our dreams' by Ozeo
I hope that all of you have good dreams as well...
And here's an extra provided in Ozeko's blog post.

But still、 we’ve been going out for 2 years。 by Ozeo
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